Laura Gómez Flores
Traduction: Maggie Langenfeld
La Jornada Maya

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Six police officers and experts are being investigated for leaking images of Ingrid N’s body. She was skinned by her husband, Erick N, who was linked to prosecution for the crime of feminicide and entered the Men's Center for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, reported the Attorney General's Office (FGJ). Meanwhile, the victim's family filed a complaint with the Comisión de Derechos Humanos capitalina (Mexico City’s Human Rights Committee) regarding the event of said images being leaked.

The spokeswoman of the FGJ on issues of gender-based violence, Nelly Montealegre, said that a case was initiated in the Prosecutor's Office for the Investigation of Crimes committed by Public Servants. This will result in administrative and criminal sanctions against the accused officers.

So far none of the officers have been separated from their positions. “There will be no impunity against the participants responsible for this image filtration,” and Ingrid's case will be thoroughly investigated, where “we will be relentless in our actions”, stated Nelly Montealegre.

In reference to Ingrid’s husband’s case, a press conference was called. A control judge described Erick's detention as legal, linked him to trial, dictated the precautionary measure of informal preventive detention, and set three months for further investigation. He also rejected that the case could fall.

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