

Visionary or Dreamer?

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In a world that appears to be bereft of strong and positive leadership, one man stands out in my view speaking out against the man-made theologies that divide people everywhere and calling for the unity of all, believers and non-believers, in a world of unity and love.

Whatever your religious beliefs (or non-religious beliefs), a human race governed by those who preach hatred and division cannot survive without the participation of every one of us.

We each have to explore the veracity of the theologies that guide our actions and reactions and ask if they are truly based on divine law or on the desire of certain people to exert power over others.

On World Youth Day in 2013, Pope Francis said that "We need saints without cassocks, without veils - we need saints with jeans and tennis shoes. We need saints that go to the movies, that listen to music, that hang out with their friends. We need saints  - saints for the 21st century with a spirituality appropriate to our new time.  

We need saints that have a commitment to helping the poor and to make the needed social change.  We need saints to live in the world, to sanctify the world and to not be afraid of living in the world by their presence in it.  We need saints that drink Coca-Cola, that eat hot dogs, that surf the internet and that listen to their iPods.  

We need saints who love the movies, dance, sports, theatre.  We need saints that are open, sociable, normal, happy companions.  We need saints who are in this world and who know how to enjoy the best in this world without being callous or mundane."

The quote is long but underscores the needs for all religions to cease being centers of control and power and remember the main teaching of all religions – love one another.

Theology is a man-made compendium of thinking that has nothing to do with God since no one here has ever actually met God. For those who believe, God is the voice inside of us that guides us and is the source of our conscience. 

Any theology that teaches inhumane behavior or intolerance is not worthy of a deity whose essence is the oneness of all things. If one believes that there is one God, then that God is beyond religion and theology.

While God unites, religion divides, and division is the bane that is driving today’s world into the abyss of negativity.

As a Jesuit pope, Pope Francis has been "making clear that a fundamental task of the faithful is not so much to follow rules but to discern what God is calling them to do. He is altering the culture of the clergy, steering away from what he has named as "clericalism" which dwells on priestly status and authority) and toward an ethic of service.

Pope Francis' leadership style is characterized by his willingness to engage in dialogue and listen to different perspectives. He has shown a willingness to engage with people of different faiths and backgrounds, seeking common ground and promoting understanding and respect. This approach has helped to bridge divides and foster a sense of unity among people of different beliefs. 

Pope Francis has also been willing to tackle difficult and controversial issues within the Catholic Church, such as the sexual abuse scandal, acknowledging the pain and suffering caused by these abuses and take steps to address them. His commitment to transparency and accountability has been praised by many, as it reflects his genuine desire to heal and renew the Church.

The Pope's endorsement of civil unions for the LGBTQ community has been met with mixed reactions within the Catholic Church. Conservative factions criticized his departure from traditional teachings, while progressive Catholics and LGBTQ activists celebrated his support for legal protections. This division highlights the challenges Pope Francis faces in navigating the complex landscape of LGBTQ rights within the Church.

Despite Pope Francis' efforts to promote inclusivity, he has faced significant challenges and criticisms from conservative factions within the Catholic Church. Some argue that his statements and actions have caused confusion and undermined the Church's teachings on human sexuality. Others believe that he has not gone far enough in advocating for LGBTQ rights, particularly in relation to same-sex marriage and adoption.

Additionally, Pope Francis faces opposition from external conservative groups and individuals who view his progressive stance as a departure from traditional Catholic teachings. These critics argue that the Pope's views on LGBTQ rights are influenced by secular ideologies and are not in line with the Church's moral teachings.

But the Church’s moral teachings are man-made. 

In my view, Pope Francis is the epitome of what a spiritual leader should be in our turbulent world. A leader willing to take on orthodoxy and reject the laws of man preferring the law of spiritual love is a leader who understands the true nature of God and the reason why we are all here.

A leader who doesn’t ask for massive contributions to his personal wealth or lavish lifestyle. A leader who uses love rather than fear to motivate.

The Persian philosopher Rumi once wrote “I have been a seeker and I still am, but I stopped asking the books and the stars. I started listening to the teaching of my soul”.

Regardless of your religious leanings, I hope you start the year listening to your intuition rather than to the words of those who would enslave you through manipulation.

Building bridges rather than walls is the only way that we can overcome the power of those who preach hatred and division and free ourselves from the spiritual shackles that generations of men have imposed on believers of all stripes.


Keep reading: 2024 Part II


Edición: Fernando Sierra

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