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On January 21, 2021, the United States will awaken to find a new president in the White House.

To date, Joe Biden has won a majority of Electoral College votes, as well as five million more votes than Trump, much to the latter’s chagrin.

Indeed, Trump is going to contest the results in court, as is his right.

Readers of my columns know that I do not trust Trump. Indeed, I believe that he has stacked the courts with right-wing supporters who may or may not politicize their verdicts.

It remains to be seen if this occurs.

But Joe Biden will face a tough time trying to reconcile the highly polarized American public if current conspiracy theories are not put to rest through legal processes.

It is essential that his presidency not be marred by mischievous allegations and conspiracy theories.

Thus, the U.S. public should welcome Trump’s decision to contest the election results and obtain the imprimatur of the courts to ensure that the results are deemed free of any contamination and that Biden can govern with all of the legitimacy that he deserves.

For over two centuries the institutions of the United States have evolved with the times to a good degree and have addressed all matters of contested elections.

The courts are empowered to rule on matters brought before them, and Trump will have the burden of providing actual proof of malfeasance rather than conspiracy theories or false or unprovable allegations.

Republicans don’t want to be seen as breaking with Donald Trump regardless of how negative his presidency may have been. Trump gone will continue to be a powerful member of the Party that he has shaped to his image and personality. Indeed, most Republicans will continue to fear him and his political power long after he has left office. 

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell is playing both the short and the long political game. 

In early January a runoff election will be held in Georgia for two Senate seats. McConnell aims to motivate Republicans in that state to vote for the party’s candidates to avoid losing control of the Senate.

The long-term game focuses on the 2022 mid-term election when Republicans will try to retain or regain their control of over the Senate and extend their control to the House, where they have now won an increased number of seats.

These desired outcomes on McConnell’s part will depend on Trump’s availability to gin up the Republican base that he controls rather than sulk because Republican legislators prematurely (in his view) abandoned him in 2020.

Of course, there is no guarantee that Donald Trump will concede gracefully should he lose his appeals. Indeed, the fact that he is organizing rallies to pressure public opinion and heat up his base indicates that he will remain recalcitrant until the bitter end.

But if the system is allowed to function as it must, moderate Republicans, including many senators and representatives, will have an out and could well feel freer to call for a smooth transition without appearing to be abandoning Trump prematurely.

Trump’s base will not be assuaged by any initiative. But if moderates on both sides can come together in these polarized times, it will be a good start to Biden’s goal of reuniting the country and bring moderates from both parties together in a national dialogue to achieve consensus on key issues.

And that is far more important that an early concession by Republicans with all of its possible consequences.


Edición: Laura Espejo

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